High-quality Professional Development (PD) is critical to developing effective teachers. The PDs I value most are delivered by current classroom teachers who are experts in the topic they're presenting on. I specialize in presenting on science pedagogy, creating rigorous classrooms, and culturally-relevant pedagogy.
Presentation Experience:
““Efficient, no fluff. Concrete examples to walk away with and use to get started is awesome.”
”Concise, creative, usable.”
”I’m able to take what I’ve learned today and apply it to my lessons now!”
”I’ve already shared with my team lead in so fired up about this!””
Conference for the Advancement of Science Teaching - Science Teachers Association of Texas (2017, 2018, 2019)
KIPP Schools Summit (2019)
KIPP Texas - Austin Public Schools District Science Team (2013 - Present)
KIPP Texas - Dallas Public Schools (2019)
Texas Region 13 Winter Math and Science Camp (2018)
Teach For America - Mississippi Delta Region Science Team (2011-2012)
Current Sessions
“Girl Talk” and Hidden Figures: Culturally Inclusive Science Pedagogy
Rigor: How to Boost Data and Reignite Your Instruction
Building Scientific Habits: Creating & Analyzing Models
Data Analysis With Zest
Methods I use in my own classroom.
Far and away, the PD that stays with me the longest is when actual practicing teachers share methods and approaches from their own classroom. Anything I prepare a presentation for is something I deeply believe in, and currently use to help my students grow.
Conference for the Advancement of Science Teaching (CAST)
Since 2017, I’ve been able to present at CAST each year. Collaborating with science teachers from across Texas is always a highlight I look forward to!
If you're interested in getting more information about the sessions I share, please use the form below to send me a message and I'll get back to you ASAP!